Wednesday, 31 March 2010



I was in the UK during January when  my younger brother died. He had been ill for quite some time with a complicated form of cancer. However he bore up well but finally succumbed to it on January 5th. I was happily with him when he died. Because of the snow and ice at the time the funeral only took place on the 20th.  I returned to India on the 26th

Funeral Service of my brother Paul in Chorley Lancs and the burial in the family grave in Southport.

"Salt to the Earth".  This is a book of my reflections on the Sunday Gospels. It covers the three year cycle and all the feasts that may occur on a Sunday. It was printed by the beginning of March and released on the 14th.
I am happy to say that readers have received it well and hopefully they find it useful.

The reception of "Salt to the Earth" has encouraged me to continue writing a second book, "Looking for Jesus? The Gospel for Searchers". Jesus has promised to be with us. I would like to help people find him.

While I still have strength and energy I want to be engaged in the mission of bringing Jesus to our world. For the last year or so I have lived in Hyderabad but want to move to the rural areas and live close to the people there. I plan to take a house on rent in one of the villages. 

Meanwhile I will upgrade the tailoring centre I started in Pargi. Every day 20 young women receive training in tailoring. they come from all backgrounds and different religions too. I want to increase the number of women under training and train them so that they are proficient in fashion designing.

They will then be able to earn well for the big garment stores everywhere now in the cities of India. We will begin by next month.


We have given basic training in computers. Now we are going to upgrade this so that young people will learn specialised skills and so improve their career opportunities. Being in the rural area there is a need also for the teaching of English. With English and skills then doors open. 

 Some of the 108 young women whom we are helping study for a career.

These are studying in different colleges in Pargi which is about 80 km from Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh.

They stay in our boarding home of St. Gonzalo Garcia.

I can only do all this because so many of you help me

We have more than forty girls studying general nursing and seven or so studying B.Sc. nursing.

This thirty girls will finish their training and then be employed.

They have imbibed the desire to help others and many of them want to do special service for the poor. I feel if they can be employed in Govt hospitals they will serve the poorest of the poor and they can bring the spirit of love to their service. This is something that is often lacking there.

We have retreats for these students to help them in spiritual formation and so reach out to others.

Faridhabhi is a Muslim from Pargi and the fourth wife Her daughter was brutally attacked by her husband some two months ago. He poured kerosene oil over her and set her on fire. He was under the influence of alcohol. When Faridhabhi had spent all she had she came to me and I am happy to help her daughter as she fights to save her life. She has been in the Govt. hospital in Hyderabad for two months with 60% burns. We have to buy the injections and medicines as well as new blood. It has cost more than £100 and she still has a long way to go. 

Two of my friends. On the left is Srikanth, a homeless man who suffers very badly from varicose veins. He is not able to do any work and anyway no one will give him any either. He is a very good man, a Hindu.I always help him when he comes to see me and is always welcome to stay here.

On the right is Peter Singh. He lost his parents when he was very young and was also struck with polio so that he has lost the use of both legs from the waist downwards. Nonetheless he has struggled and is proficient in several instruments. He has completed the eighth grade for Trinity College of Music in several instruments including the key board. 


Some 26 years ago Bhaskar's parents came to me holding their six months child in their arms. They told me he had lost the use of his legs. I took them straight away to the hospital  and the doctors diagnosed polio. All the same he has struggled in life and finished his education              through   the medium of English. We also helped
him do his college studies and becomeproficient in animation.
 He is now able to earn and look after himself, though he still has needs. He needs to buy a small plot to build a couple of rooms. And nowadays this is a lot of money.                                           

         These are some of the things we are doing in the mission - Jesus4ourWorld. I am so grateful to all who join me in the work by prayer and financial sacrifices. I welcome your emails to me at
For the convenience of those who would like to assist in the work of bringing some happiness to some people regardless of their religion or race, I give my account:  Barclays Stockport Branch, 20-82-14, a/c name & number FT Greenway, 80431761.
May you have a happy and blessed Easter,
Fr. Tim 

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog Father, such a brilliant way to post your newsletters. I'm sure this blog would be an inspiration and guide to many!

    Congratulations on the book release, I wish I could lay my hands on it. Will check if it's available online.

    Wishing you the very best of everything,
