Sunday 7 April
2nd Sunday of Easter
Acts 5:12-16. Psalm 117:2-4. 22-27. Rv. 1, Apocalypse 1:9-13. 17-19,
John 20:19-31
The numbers who came to believe
in the Lord Jesus increased steadily.
The stone that the builders
rejected has become the corner stone
I was on Patmos
for having preached God’s word and witnessed for Jesus.
These are recorded so that you
may believe that Jesus is the Christ and have life.
First reading
The faithful all used to meet by common
consent in the Portico of Solomon. No one else ever dared to join them, but the
people were loud in their praise and the numbers of men and women who came to
believe in the Lord increased steadily. So many signs and wonders were worked
among the people at the hands of the apostles that the sick were even taken out
into the streets and laid on beds and sleeping-mats in the hope that at least
the shadow of Peter might fall across some of them as he went past. People even
came crowding in from the towns round about Jerusalem, bringing with them their
sick and those tormented by unclean spirits, and all of them were cured.
Although we are to read Acts as a story, Luke wants us to see that the Holy spirit who worked through Jesus is now working through the Disciples who continue the work of Jesus. The Holy spirit will work through the members of the Church too.
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good,
for his love has no end.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Let the sons of Israel say:
‘His love has no end.’
Let the sons of Aaron say:
‘His love has no end.’
Let those who fear the Lord say:
‘His love has no end.’
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good,
for his love has no end.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
The stone which the builders rejected
has become the corner stone.
This is the work of the Lord,
a marvel in our eyes.
This day was made by the Lord;
we rejoice and are glad.
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good,
for his love has no end.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
O Lord, grant us salvation;
O Lord, grant success.
Blessed in the name of the Lord
is he who comes.
We bless you from the house of the Lord;
the Lord God is our light.
Give thanks to the Lord for he is good,
for his love has no end.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Second reading
My name is John, and through our union
in Jesus I am your brother and share your sufferings, your kingdom, and all you
endure. I was on the island of Patmos for having preached God’s word and
witnessed for Jesus; it was the Lord’s day and the Spirit possessed me, and I
heard a voice behind me, shouting like a trumpet, ‘Write down all that you see
in a book.’ I turned round to see who had spoken to me, and when I turned I saw
seven golden lamp-stands and, surrounded by them, a figure like a Son of man,
dressed in a long robe tied at the waist with a golden girdle.
I saw him, I fell in a dead faint at his feet, but he touched me with his right
hand and said, ‘Do not be afraid; it is I, the First and the Last; I am the
Living One, I was dead and now I am to live for ever and ever, and I hold the
keys of death and of the underworld. Now write down all that you see of present
happenings and things that are still to come.’
The Apocalypse is inspired but we must not think that the author sees a vision in the normal meaning of that word. In prayer he is inspired to write for his time, to encourage Christians of his day who are suffering for their faith. He will show them and us that Jesus is the Master of history and despite all the evil that his followers must suffer, Jesus will triumph. This is an abiding message. the book should not be used to try and decipher what will happen in the future. The author never meant it for this.
Alleluia, alleluia!
Jesus said: ‘You believe because you can
see me.
Happy are those who have not seen and
yet believe.’
In the evening of that same day, the
first day of the week, the doors were closed in the room where the disciples
were, for fear of the Jews. Jesus came and stood among them. He said to them, ‘Peace
be with you’, and showed them his hands and his side. The disciples were filled
with joy when they saw the Lord, and he said to them again, ‘Peace be with you.
‘As the Father sent me,
so am I sending you.’
After saying this he breathed on them
and said:
‘Receive the Holy Spirit.
For those whose sins you forgive,
they are forgiven;
for those whose sins you retain,
they are retained.’
Thomas, called the Twin, who was one of
the Twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. When the disciples said, ‘We
have seen the Lord’, he answered, ‘Unless I see the holes that the nails made
in his hands and can put my finger into the holes they made, and unless I can
put my hand into his side, I refuse to believe.’ Eight days later the disciples
were in the house again and Thomas was with them. The doors were closed, but
Jesus came in and stood among them. ‘Peace be with you’ he said. Then he spoke
to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here; look, here are my hands. Give me your hand;
put it into my side. Doubt no longer but believe.’ Thomas replied, ‘My Lord and
my God!’ Jesus said to him:
‘You believe because you can see me.
Happy are those who have not seen and
yet believe.’
There were many other signs that Jesus
worked and the disciples saw, but they are not recorded in this book. These are
recorded so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and
that believing this you may have life through his name.
Jesus Risen in you
Fear has paralysed the disciples. They are
afraid of persecution. There is no life in their community. How can they
conquer the world? Jesus stands in their midst and offers them ‘peace’. His
peace is not the peace of the world. Persecutions will come but they will know
that he is with them. He has overcome the world. Their hearts will not be
troubled. They will not be afraid. They will know that in the midst of every storm,
Jesus is with them and victory will be theirs.
When the disciples see the hands and feet of Jesus,
they recognize the Victor over death. He is the new creation and joy fills
their hearts. The Bridegroom is back. They now have no reason to fear. In creation,
Yahweh breathed into the image of man the breath of life and he became a living
being. Now Jesus breathes on this fearful group and gives them the Spirit. As
the Father sent Jesus, so he sends them now filled with his Spirit. It is to
bring forgiveness for sin. In Christ, the new creation has begun. He is making
all things new.
However, is it true?
Has Jesus really risen? Has he conquered death and has he now supreme power? If
so then he has changed the world and life forever. The fact of the Resurrection
is not just a news item, a miraculous event. It is world transforming. It will
cause the transformation of everyone who believes. Although few in number the
disciples will go out into the world to conquer it for Christ. Many will give
their lives in the task but the conquest will go on until the end of time.
Those who shed their blood will be victors and share the throne of the Lord of
Thomas needs
irrefutable evidence. He sees the Lord and makes the ultimate proclamation of
the Gospel: My Lord and my God. He gives to Jesus the title that the Old
Testament gives to Yahweh God.
Our faith in the Risen
Lord is based on the witness of the disciples. Filled with the Spirit they were
changed from fearful and paralyzed men, to men who rejoiced to be considered
worthy to suffer for Jesus’ sake. One by one, they gave their lives for the One
who had conquered death. Even the Roman Empire
could not resist the Resurrection.
“Blessed are those who
have not seen but have believed.” We will not see with our eyes but our faith
can give us the same experience that Thomas and the Disciples had. Spirit
filled, we too can bring love and forgiveness to the world.
Do you desire to have
the experience of the Risen Lord? You, like Thomas, will find him in the faith
community and in prayer one to One.
Father, may others see the
Risen Lord in me and come to believe.
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