Welcome to my
You will find here
the daily readings from the Bible, chosen for us by the Catholic Church under
the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
If we set aside a
regular time each day to read, meditate and pray over the readings, we will
receive the fruits of peace and joy. The Holy Spirit who inspired the passage
in the first place, will inspire you too as you read in faith.
A prayerful
reflection is given. I hope you may find it helpful.
Saturday 18 July 2020
The eyes of God watch for the helpless man
Cf. Ps 16:15
As for me, in justice I shall behold your face;
I shall be filled with the vision of your glory.
O God, who show the light of your truth
to those who go astray,
so that they may return to the right path,
give all who for the faith they profess
are accounted Christians
the grace to reject whatever is contrary to the name of Christ
and to strive after all that does it honour.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
First reading
Micah 2:1-5 ·
The plotters of evil will not escape
Woe to those who plot evil,
who lie in bed planning mischief!
No sooner is it dawn than they do it
– their hands have the strength for it.
Seizing the fields that they covet,
they take over houses as well,
owner and house they confiscate together,
taking both man and inheritance.
So the Lord says this:
Now it is I who plot
such mischief against this breed
as your necks will not escape;
nor will you be able to walk proudly,
so evil will the time be.
On that day they will make a satire on you,
sing a dirge and say,
‘We are stripped of everything;
my people’s portion is measured out and shared,
no one will give it back to them,
our fields are awarded to our despoiler.’
Therefore you will have no one
to measure out a share
in the community of the Lord.
Prayerful reflection
Micah was a prophet who came from the
rural area and preached in Jerusalem and Judah some 700 years before Christ but
his message is for all time. Coming from the villages, he knew at first hand
the poverty and hardships of the poor. God spoke to him through his
experiences. God speaks to us through our experiences. We should listen.
His message for all time is that the
exploitation of the weak and the poor, making money out of other people
unjustly is a crime that God will not overlook. It will carry severe and
eternal consequences. If indifference to the earthly sufferings of others
brings eternal agony (Matt 25:41. Depart from me you cursed ones to everlasting
fire. I was hungry etc and you didn’t come to my aid, Luke 16:19ff)), then what
will outright injustice to the weak bring? This was the situation in Jerusalem
and Samaria at the time Micah was living. The rich lived off the backs of the
poor. They will all go into exile as captives of a foreign and cruel ruler. And
so it came to pass.
Are you concerned about the
poor, the weak and the oppressed?
According to your means, do you reach
out them?
Will you be able to stand peacefully
before God?
Lord, do not forget the poor.
Lord, why do you stand afar off
and hide yourself in times of distress?
The poor man is devoured by the pride of the wicked:
he is caught in the schemes that others have made.
Lord, do not forget the poor.
For the wicked man boasts of his heart’s desires;
the covetous blasphemes and spurns the Lord.
In his pride the wicked says: ‘He will not punish.
There is no God.’ Such are his thoughts.
Lord, do not forget the poor.
His mouth is full of cursing, guile, oppression,
mischief and deceit under his tongue.
He lies in wait among the reeds;
the innocent he murders in secret.
Lord, do not forget the poor.
His eyes are on the watch for the helpless man.
But you have seen the trouble and sorrow,
you note it, you take it in hand.
The helpless trusts himself to you;
for you are the helper of the orphan.
Lord, do not forget the poor.
Alleluia, alleluia!
God in Christ was reconciling the world to himself,
and he has entrusted to us the news that they are reconciled.
Matthew 12:14-21
He cured them all but warned them not
to make him known
The Pharisees went out and began to plot against Jesus, discussing
how to destroy him.
Jesus knew this
and withdrew from the district. Many followed him and he cured them all, but
warned them not to make him known. This was to fulfil the prophecy of Isaiah:
Here is my servant whom I have chosen,
my beloved, the favourite of my soul.
I will endow him with my spirit,
and he will proclaim the true faith to the nations.
He will not brawl or shout,
nor will anyone hear his voice in the streets.
He will not break the crushed reed,
nor put out the smouldering wick
till he has led the truth to victory:
in his name the nations will put their hope.
Prayerful reflection
The Pharisees plot the death of Jesus. They
are the seed that fell on the road. They have seen and heard everything, but
their hearts are closed. They have rejected Jesus. Let him do or say anything. They
want no part in it. We meet this kind of people today. Notice that Jesus goes away.
Ordinary people flock to him. Many are the seed that fell on rocky soil. Jesus cannot
put his trust in them: “many believed in his name, when they saw the miracles
which he did. But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all
men” John 2:23-24).
Nonetheless, Jesus is the chosen one of
God. Indeed, he is his Son, the beloved of God. His ministry then and now is a
non-threatening one. The ones who accepted then – his Mother, Mary of Magdala, Peter
and all the disciples – were blessed. All generations call them blessed. Those
who rejected him, have been lost to history and to themselves.
Today Jesus ministers to us in the
silence and insignificance of the Holy Eucharist and the Sacraments of his
Church. He comes to in the ordinary guise of simple people.
Have you experienced him?
Have you, like his Mother and the
others, accepted him with all your heart?
Ps 83: 4-5
The sparrow finds a home,
and the swallow a nest for her young:
by your altars, O Lord of hosts, my King and my God.
Blessed are they who dwell in your house,
for ever singing your praise.
Father in heaven, you shower us with
at every moment. Grant that through them
we may grow in love for you.
We make our prayer through your Son,
Christ our Lord.
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