Saturday, 20 February 2021

 Friday after Ash Wednesday

A short commentary on the Gospel of the day accoring to Catholic Lecionary


Matthew 9:14-15

When the bridegroom is taken from them, then they will fast

1.      John’s disciples came to Jesus and said,

2.      ‘Why is it that we and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not?’

3.      Jesus replied,

4.      ‘Surely the bridegroom’s attendants would never think of mourning as long as the bridegroom is still with them?

5.      But the time will come for the bridegroom to be taken away from them,

6.      and then they will fast.’


This Gospel contains a profound life changing truth. Life is a wedding. Jesus is the Bridegroom. His community and each one in it he calls to be the bride. Life is meant to be a loving relationship of intimacy with Jesus. This is his desire and it should be ours. He gives himself to us. We should give ourselves to him. Now in faith, later in bliss.


There is an ominous note. The Bridegroom will be  taken away. Jesus will suffer violent persecution and a violent death. He suffers it willingly for the sake of his bride. The bride too suffers the loss.

Now we fast because

1.      we have lost our Bridegroom from sight. We have no interest in earthly pleasures except for survival. We are not at home here, because he is not here with us in sight, though with us in spirit. We long with all our hearts to be with him in every way. That only is the life of bliss.

2.      Our Bridegroom suffered freely and willingly so that his bride may have lasting joy with him. Now until we reach him, the bride fasts to share spiritually in the sufferings of her Bridegroom. How can I not suffer for him? ‘You suffered joyfully for me, I will suffer joyfully for you. I will crucify sin in my life. I will violently crucify everything that pains you, my Beloved.’ And so, we fast out of love for him and to be spiritually one with him. We are not interested in the pleasures of this world. Our desire is only for him.

3.      For the same reason we crucify our own pleasures reaching out to others in love, because this is the desire of the Bridegroom. We treat others as we would treat the Bridegroom if he was visible like they are. Why? This gives joy to our Bridegroom.

My life becomes a loving crucifixion for him, just as his was for me.


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