Sunday, 20 September 2020

I am with you now and forever


Welcome to my blog. Peace be with you.


You will find  the readings from the Bible, prescribed by the Catholic Church for today.


By daily reading and praying about these reading, we grow spiritually and come to know the true God and not some God imagined by us.


Saturday 19th September

I am with you now and forever

First reading

1 Corinthians 15:35-37,42-49 ·

The resurrected body is heavenly by nature

Someone may ask, ‘How are dead people raised, and what sort of body do they have when they come back?’ They are stupid questions. Whatever you sow in the ground has to die before it is given new life and the thing that you sow is not what is going to come; you sow a bare grain, say of wheat or something like that. It is the same with the resurrection of the dead: the thing that is sown is perishable but what is raised is imperishable; the thing that is sown is contemptible but what is raised is glorious; the thing that is sown is weak but what is raised is powerful; when it is sown it embodies the soul, when it is raised it embodies the spirit.

If the soul has its own embodiment, so does the spirit have its own embodiment. The first man, Adam, as scripture says, became a living soul; but the last Adam has become a life-giving spirit. That is, first the one with the soul, not the spirit, and after that, the one with the spirit. The first man, being from the earth, is earthly by nature; the second man is from heaven. As this earthly man was, so are we on earth; and as the heavenly man is, so are we in heaven. And we, who have been modelled on the earthly man, will be modelled on the heavenly man. THE WORD OF THE LORD


Prayerful reflection


What will life be like in heaven. These are stupid questions St. Paul says. Why? Because we have no idea. The ways of God and the power and love of God are things which are far beyond our intelligence too grasp. We can say nothing of God except what Jesus has revealed to us. We should remain in silence before him, allowing his love to work in us. Like small children trusting in their parents, so we wait patiently for God to work out his plan. He will do it and it will more marvellous than anything we could even imagine.                                                                                                                                         



Luke 8:4-15

The parable of the sower

With a large crowd gathering and people from every town finding their way to him, Jesus used this parable:

‘A sower went out to sow his seed. As he sowed, some fell on the edge of the path and was trampled on; and the birds of the air ate it up. Some seed fell on rock, and when it came up it withered away, having no moisture. Some seed fell amongst thorns and the thorns grew with it and choked it. And some seed fell into rich soil and grew and produced its crop a hundredfold.’ Saying this he cried, ‘Listen, anyone who has ears to hear!’

His disciples asked him what this parable might mean, and he said, ‘The mysteries of the kingdom of God are revealed to you; for the rest there are only parables, so that

they may see but not perceive,

listen but not understand.

‘This, then, is what the parable means: the seed is the word of God. Those on the edge of the path are people who have heard it, and then the devil comes and carries away the word from their hearts in case they should believe and be saved. Those on the rock are people who, when they first hear it, welcome the word with joy. But these have no root; they believe for a while, and in time of trial they give up. As for the part that fell into thorns, this is people who have heard, but as they go on their way they are choked by the worries and riches and pleasures of life and do not reach maturity. As for the part in the rich soil, this is people with a noble and generous heart who have heard the word and take it to themselves and yield a harvest through their perseverance.’ THE GOSPEL OF THE LORD

Prayerful reflection


The seed is the Word. Jesus is the Word. The way we receive him will determine the crop that we receive. There is no limit to his generosity. He lives to intercede for us with the Father and give us every blessing that God has. It is our relationship with him which is bears fruit.

Jesus is present with body, soul and divinity in the Holy Eucharist. It is there that we meet hm and build up our relationship with him. ‘Seeing him there, we can see him everywhere.’ ‘What you did to the least, you did to me’ is as true as ‘This is my Body given for you.’ In the Holy Eucharist we build up our relationship with him. He welcomes us and gives us abundant blessings. Outside we lovingly obey him and serve him in our brothers and sisters. Blessed are those who love and honour him in the Blessed Sacrament and in the least, even, of his brothers and sisters.

Jesus is present in many ways. One important way in which he is truly present is when two or three gather together in his name. ‘Where two or three gather in my name, I will be with them’. (Matt 18:20). When a family gathers for prayer, Jesus is with them as a source of blessings.

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