Monday, 18 January 2021

Born for greatness, the greatness of God





Mark 2:23-28

The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath

1.      One sabbath day,

2.      Jesus happened to be taking a walk through the cornfields,

3.      and his disciples began to pick ears of corn as they went along.

4.      And the Pharisees said to him, ‘Look, why are they doing something on the sabbath day that is forbidden?’

5.      And he replied, ‘Did you never read what David did in his time of need when he and his followers were hungry – how he went into the house of God when Abiathar was high priest, and ate the loaves of offering which only the priests are allowed to eat, and how he also gave some to the men with him?’

6.      And he said to them,

7.      ‘The sabbath was made for man,

8.      not man for the sabbath;

9.      the Son of Man is master even of the sabbath.’


God instituted the Sabbath himself for the good of human beings, to satisfy their needs. Everything in creation is created for the good of human beings. God who has become a man is for human beings too. Jesus, God become a man, lives ad breathes for the good of human beings. God so loves the human race and everyone in it. He so loves you.

Sunday is the new day of the Lord. It is the day of our Lord’s Resurrection. It is the day when we celebrate our humanity. We need it each week because we get immersed in the struggle to live and can so easily forget who we really are.

Sunday is the day we remember especially that we are sons and daughters of the God of creation, the apple of his eye. It is the day we remember that we too will rise again as did Jesus and live in glory true images of God. Sunday is the day that we rejoice in this truth and praise God who has decreed this and through his Son is working our his eternal desire.

Let us, at least one day in the week, celebrate and live as sons and daughters of God born for greatness, the greatness of God himself. Let us make the offering of our gratitude through our Brother Jesus, God’s only son, the highlight of the day.  



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