Monday, 11 January 2021

He taught with authority





Mark 1:21-28

Unlike the scribes, he taught them with authority

1.     Jesus and his disciples went as far as Capernaum,

2.     and as soon as the sabbath came he went to the synagogue and began to teach.

3.     And his teaching made a deep impression on them

4.     because, unlike the scribes, he taught them with authority.

5.     In their synagogue just then there was a man possessed by an unclean spirit

6.     and it shouted, ‘What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are: the Holy One of God.’

7.     But Jesus said sharply, ‘Be quiet! Come out of him!’

8.     And the unclean spirit threw the man into convulsions and with a loud cry went out of him.

9.     The people were so astonished that they started asking each other what it all meant.

10. ‘Here is a teaching that is new’ they said

11. ‘and with authority behind it:

12. he gives orders even to unclean spirits and they obey him.’

13. And his reputation rapidly spread everywhere, through all the surrounding Galilean countryside.

Jesus is Emmanuel – ‘God with us.’ Though no one saw God, God was with them.  We don’t see God today, but God is with us all the same. He is present particularly in the Holy Eucharist, but in people, especially those who are suffering in any way. Then he is everywhere. Blessed are those who can recognize him.


How does he teach to day? He teaches us through the very Word we listen to each day in this Gospel. When we hear the Gospel with faith, we too hear Jesus speaking to us today. Blessed are those who can hear him and learn from him. Their life is built on rock. It will stand the assaults of Satan, the world and our own evil inclinations.


The Gospel we listen to has power to transform us. We must listen with faith, love and prayer.


Satan too is everywhere. He doesn’t come marching in military formation like the Nazis before World War Two. He comes secretly like the terrorists of our day. But he is there, causing destruction. He is, however, no match for Jesus and his Word. His Word will reveal him in our midst and then like any terrorist he will flee.

Open yourself in prayer and reflection to Jesus speaking to you today. Allow the power of his Word to drive out the evil in your heart. You too will then be free.


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