Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Save yourself from the eternal wolf


Welcome to my blog. Peace be with you.

In this blog, by reflecting on the Gospel of Christ Jesus, we try to learn how to live so as to fulfil our destiny as human beings.

Thursday 5 November 2020

Allow yourself to be saved from the eternal wolf



Luke 15:1-10

There will be rejoicing in heaven over one repentant sinner

The tax collectors and the sinners were all seeking the company of Jesus to hear what he had to say, and the Pharisees and the scribes complained. ‘This man’ they said ‘welcomes sinners and eats with them.’ So he spoke this parable to them:

‘What man among you with a hundred sheep, losing one, would not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go after the missing one till he found it? And when he found it, would he not joyfully take it on his shoulders and then, when he got home, call together his friends and neighbours? “Rejoice with me,” he would say “I have found my sheep that was lost.” In the same way, I tell you, there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one repentant sinner than over ninety-nine virtuous men who have no need of repentance.

‘Or again, what woman with ten drachmas would not, if she lost one, light a lamp and sweep out the house and search thoroughly till she found it? And then, when she had found it, call together her friends and neighbours? “Rejoice with me,” she would say “I have found the drachma I lost.” In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing among the angels of God over one repentant sinner.’





The orthodox religious of his day were scandalised by the behaviour of Jesus. He freely associated with the so-called scum of society and ate with them. If he was, as he claimed, to be a holy and God-loving person, why would he do a thing like that? Jesus answers with a series of parables, to try and help people think anew.

The first thing to know is that you are precious to God. You are so precious that God is willing to give up everything and come here to search for you. Jesus is God, but not simply God. He is a searching God. He has no peace until he finds you. That’s what it means to be precious to him.

The sheep doesn’t know it is lost until the wolf attacks it. Likewise, most people do not know they are lost, until Satan takes them to eternal punishment. To save his own from this, God searches for them. John 3:16-17.

We all should realise that God in love is searching for us. “It (Salvation) is rather a matter of learning that one is loved enough to be pursued and found.” (Praying with Saint Luke's Gospel: Daily Reflections on the Gospel of Saint Luke . Magnificat).  “The Son of Man has come to search and to find those who are lost.” He is still searching – for you. (Luke 19:10).

However, there is a difference between searching for a sheep and, for instance, searching for a lost child. We search for a sheep because we gain from having the sheep (to sell, to eat etc). We search for a child for the happiness of the child. God searches for you as his lost child.

It is a personal God (Jesus) who has searched and found you. He loves you, came to earth for you, and wants to take you back home. Jesus has come for you. turn to him in gratitude.

He takes his child home. Jesus will take you to heaven and with great joy he will tell the angels and saints how you had been lost in sin and ignorance of God, but how he managed to find you and bring you home to rejoice forever. There will be great cheers, and feasting over your (my) salvation when that day comes. Meanwhile remain on his shoulders till you get home.  

Note, that unless the Shepherd God searches for you, you will ultimately be the victim of Satan and suffer eternal torment in hell. My salvation is the work of God. I should surrender to his actions and not jump from his shoulder.  


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